Jaakko Hintikka
Memorial Issue

Edited by Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen



Papers should be sent electronically in PDF to ahti.pietarinen@gmail.com

Any paper related to the work of Hintikka is welcome, in particular those dealing with the following topics:

- Knowledge and Belief
- Independence-friendly logic
- Lingua Universalis vs Calculus Ratiocinator
- Game-Theoretical Semantics
- The Principles of Mathematics Revisited
- The Logic of Scientific Discovery
- Hintikka and Wittgenstein
- Hintikka and Kant
- Hintikka and Aristotle

I am glad that Logica Universalis has been chosen for a Memorial Special Issue devoted to Jaakko Hintikka. It makes sense for many reasons. He himself published a paper with a very nice title in our journal: Which Mathematical Logic is the Logic of Mathematics?, LU, Volume 6 (2012)

I met Jaakko in different places at different times, here a few I remember:
- My first meeting with him was at the 7th International Logica Meeting that took place at Liblice castle in June 1993 in Czech republic, he was there jointly with his wife Merril.
- I met him again in 1998 at the 20th World Congress of Philosophy in Boston where he was the star of the event together with W.V.O.Quine.
- In October 2002, we met in Nancy, France at PILM 2002 - Philosophical Insights into Logic and Mathematics: The History and Outcome of Alternative Semantics and Syntax
- In May 2008 he was taking part to the 14th Latin-American Symposium on Mathematical Logic in Paraty, Brazil. Jointly with Catherine Chantilly I produced an interview/film with him, part of a series of movies on important philosophers we are producing.
- He was the secret speaker of the 3rd UNILOG that took place in Estoril, near Lisbon in 2010. He came from Boston despite the erruption of Eyjafjallajökull entailing the largest air-traffic shut-down since World War II, proving he was not afraid even of Volcanos.
- I met him for the last time in August 2015 at the 15th LMPS (Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science) Congress in Helsinki shortly before his death.

Jean-Yves Beziau, Editor-in-Chief, Logica Universalis