Check here the data by SCimago Research Group - Est Modus in Rebus
(01) 1.327 Journal of Logic and Computation - JLC
(02) 1.245 Logica Universalis - LU
(03) 1.140 Studia Logica - SL
(04) 1.082 Journal of Symbolic Logic - JSL
(05) 1.079 Journal of Applied Logic - JAL
(06) 1.002 Annals of Pure and Applied Logic - APAL
(07) 0.954 Journal of Philosophical Logic - JPL
(08) 0.932 Logic Journal of the IGPL - IGPL
(09) 0.715 Review of Symbolic Logic - RSL
(10) 0.681 Journal of Mathematical Logic - JML
(11) 0.647 Algebra and Logic - AL
(12) 0.637 Bulletin of Symbolic Logic - BSL
(13) 0.612 Journal of Logic, Language and Information - JLLI
(14) 0.518 Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic - NDJFL
(15) 0.502 Mathematical Logic Quarterly - MQL
(16) 0.420 Archives for Mathematical Logic - AML
(17) 0.334 Informal Logic - IL
(18) 0.282 Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics - JANCL
(19) 0.222 History and Philosophy of Logic - HPL
(20) 0.215 Logique et Analyse - LA
(21) 0.213 Logic and Logical Philosophy - LLP
(22) 0.180 Reports on Mathematical Logic - RML
(23) 0.103 Bulletin of the Section of Logic - BUL
The SJR indicator is an open access journal metric which provides an alternative to
the impact factor (IF). It accounts for both the number of citations received by a journal and the
importance or prestige of the journals where such citations come from.